Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life's Achievement

Have you ever thought of what you have achieved in your life? From the day you were born, till today who you are.... it's all about what you have achieved. Without achievement, there is no you, no me, no us...
Life started form the day you've won the battle... won the race .... the day you struggle inside the womb to come out and see the world... the day you've started walking... till the day of who you are today...
We never give up... without realising it, we had achieved of so many things in life....
Life is full of colurs. Paint it with your favourite colours. Name it red, yellow or green, when you combine, it will become a beautiful portrait, and the more you look at it, the more it will stick to your mind... and will become a memory to remember.
Talking about achievements, Alhamdulillah, thank you to Allah for what I've achieved in life. But my goal is still far ahead. Even though life was not that easy for me, but Allah has granted my wish and lead my way, to a beautiful life. Before I take my next step, to achieve my next achievement, I pause and turn back, looking at my achievement before. And I'm grateful for it. I look forward and I'm ready....
~Anyone Who Has Never Made A Mistake, Has Never Tried Anything New~Albert Einstein~

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